Solve Your Quality Issues with AI Solutions!


주소 [14057] 경기 안양시 동안구 관양동 891 안양 스마트베이 2차 205-7호
전화번호 회원으로 로그인
팩스 --
이메일 회원으로 로그인
솔루션담당자 Hyun
담당자연락처 회원으로 로그인


업종 AI
업종 AI 솔루션
컨택방법 이메일

상세 솔루션 정보

Are you constantly dealing with product defects and customer complaints? Have you ever thought that manually sorting out defects is inefficient? What if your team could focus on more productive tasks instead?


Introducing our revolutionary AI vision-based defect detection solution. This isn't just about data analysis. We precisely detect even the smallest black spots and injection molding defects in plastic resin pellets using AI vision. By doing so, we help reduce defects and cut labor costs.


It's time to move away from the old method of manually sorting defects. With AI automatically detecting defects, your team can focus on more critical tasks. This leads to increased productivity and reduced costs—a win-win situation. Furthermore, don’t miss out on the opportunity to improve your company's performance in quality management!


We are committed to working with you for a win-win outcome. Our AI-based defect detection solution addresses your concerns and offers a new direction for quality management. Discover how this innovative solution can transform your production processes.


Our solution seamlessly integrates with existing systems. We extract data through PLC, robotics, and AI vision, detect defects based on that data, and provide customized reports that can be integrated with your ERP system.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. It’s time to think about how AI can help improve your company's processes. With our support, you won’t need to worry about defect-related stress any longer.


■ Contact:

■ Ongoing Key Projects:

  1. Vibration-based predictive maintenance solution: AI detects anomalies and notifies the responsible personnel.
  2. Detection of small contaminants and marking of defects.
  3. Detection of cooling defects in the injection molding process.
  4. Defect detection using noise information.
  5. Ultrasound image defect detection.
  6. Detection of small black spots and injection molding defects using AI vision.
  7. Integration of SAP Concur with ERP for expense and invoice management.

The era of AI is here. Innovate your processes with AI today!

상 호 : 코리아프렌즈(KOREA FRIENDS) | 대표 : 명수연 
사업자등록 : 204-42-63228 | 주소 : 서울시 강북구 번동 458 | 입금계좌 : 카카오뱅크 3333180664491
email: admin@피플앤잡.com / COPYRIGHT ⓒ 솔루션.피플앤잡.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED